Vote then Accessorize: Barbie the Computer Engineer

Over on Mattel is running a contest where visitors can vote on Barbie’s next career. The choices are: Environmentalist, Surgeon, Architect, News Anchor, Computer Engineer. I found this link over on GeekFeminism and the OP is lobbying for computer engineer, which I think is a great choice. Click here if you want to vote.

I really hope this career wins because I cannot wait to see the accessories she’ll come with. There will probably be a laptop (I see licensing opportunities, think she’ll have a Mac or a PC? Dell or HP?), but she’s going to be an engineer, so she’ll need some tools and some cables at least. If they package her with pink cat5e spools I will die of happiness.

What accessories should come with computer engineer Barbie? Also, will her degree be from MIT or CalTech? What should she wear? Leave your answers in the comments below and I’ll pass them on to Mattel when I see them at the Toy Fair.

  • mwg

    I think her jacket should say “b4rb13” on the back.

  • janetl

    The website doesn’t make any attempt to prevent you from voting more than once, so if the geeks don’t win, we’re not using our skills.

  • LOL News Anchor.

    I’m thinking that she needs a six-pack of Diet Dr. Pepper to keep her going through those late night hacking sessions. And, like seriously, a sturdy calculator to do all of those advanced math problems which she is smart enough to do, God damn Mattel.

    And if she wanted a degree from Carnegie Mellon, I’d be proud to have her as a fellow alum.

    • K T Bradford

      I think Mattel is properly ashamed of themselves for that math thing. Not least because, for all people’s complaining about Barbie, she’s actually been a very progressive doll through most of my life. I had Astronaut Barbie and Business Woman Barbie and Archaeologist Barbie and Doctor Barbie and Barbies from dozens of cultures around the world and Ambassador for Peace Barbie. yes, sometimes she runs around dressed as a princess or a fairy, but at least she gives equal time to actual careers.

      • I’ll buy that. I’m heartbroken watching my four year-old niece in the thrall of Disney. She wants to be a princess when she grows up, which is almost literally the only thing in the world that she can’t do. Her brother wanted to be a construction worker when he was her age because he’s been playing with trucks and Legos all his life, and I’m sure he could imagine himself as an architect or an aeronautical engineer at this point. So Barbie does have a lot to recommend her.

        And that’s what I’d put in Mattel’s ear when you have it. Make it clear through whatever backstory they write that as a successful computer engineer she is good at advanced math, she enjoys it, and that doesn’t make her less of a woman.

  • Jarbas

    the contest is fake! see the http requests made by the site.

    • K T Bradford

      for those of us who have no idea what that means, explain?