With the revelation of Apple’s tablet moniker, I’m left to wonder why it is that beautiful tablets are getting such unfortunate names. First we had the JooJoo, which inspired a rash of ethnic jokes best left unsaid. Now comes the iPad, which has already been subjected to various feminine hygiene jokes with more still to come. Was iSlate not sexy… Read more →
Monthly Archives: January 2010
Firefox: Down Memory Lane
I’m conducting a bit of a survey and I’ll need your help. It’s all about Firebox, the browser I love, and how it breaks my heart every day. Do you love Firefox? Then please help me with an intervention. If you have Firefox open now and you’re running Windows, go to your Task Manager1 and click on the Processes tab.… Read more →
Too Many Flash Drives
Whenever I go to tech press events I always come home with a handful of flash drives. It’s easy for companies to put a full press kit and hi-res images on a USB stick with their name on it and is greener than printing everything out. Some companies hand out small drives — 256MB, 512MB and so on — but… Read more →
The Long Road To Backup Harmony
I’ve decided to stop being silly and make a proper backup plan for my computers. It really is ridiculous how long I’ve been putting this off. But as you read this my important files (including all of my music) are syncing to a server somewhere controlled by SugarSync. Later on I’ll start on the process of making local backups, though… Read more →
Sage Words To Live By
“…if someone sends you a tip, reporting on it might be journalism. If you get a tip inside your head, reporting on it means you’re just making crap up.” — Walt Mosspuppet Hear, hear. Read more →
Unimaginative Tech Nerds Make The Baby iPhone Cry
Today Walt Mosspuppet (who is, by the way, my favorite puppet journalist of all time) posted the following about the Apple tablet: According to a poll over at MacMost.com, what most people want out of the upcoming iSlate is to be able to read books. My god, you people think so small. I must say: the puppet is right. Seriously,… Read more →
Vote then Accessorize: Barbie the Computer Engineer
Over on Barbie.com Mattel is running a contest where visitors can vote on Barbie’s next career. The choices are: Environmentalist, Surgeon, Architect, News Anchor, Computer Engineer. I found this link over on GeekFeminism and the OP is lobbying for computer engineer, which I think is a great choice. Click here if you want to vote. I really hope this career… Read more →
AlphaSmart vs. Netbook (Or: Should I Dust Off My Old Tech?)
While I was looking for a picture of my version of the AlphaSmart for yesterday’s post I came across a post touting the superiority of the Neo (that’s what they’re calling AlphaSmarts these days) over netbooks. To say I was shocked is an understatement. In these times when netbooks flow from the heavens like water, why in the world would… Read more →
Got Any Old Tech From The Last Decade Still Sitting Around The House?
I was rummaging through my closet looking for something when I came across an old Sony Discman bag from when I was a teenager. This bag was specially designed to hold the CD player, my prized possession for many years, plus some CDs and those crappy headphones everyone I knew worse. Of course, that all went to the garbage heap… Read more →