Monthly Archives: January 2015


On xoJane: Tech and Fashion Gadgets Finally Look Less Hideous, and We’re All Grateful

Misfit ShineLast year I came back from the annual Consumer Electronics Show super tired of condescending tech “For the Ladies” and tech/fashion accessories that looked like they were better suited to the trash heap than the runway. This year, I came away from Vegas with less despair. I was pleasantly surprised to find that gadgets designed for the fashionista set actually looked like stuff a real person would want to wear. Some are downright gorgeous. Shocking, I know.


On xoJane: Five Things I Learned After Taking (Almost) 365 Feminist Selfies

Me and the Galaxy NX MiniLast year around this time Selfie was crowned the 2013 word of the year, and the collective groan that went up from the Haters was loud, long, and frankly whiny. No need to rehash that old argument. However, the backlash did inspire me to join the #365feministselfie crowd. Though I rarely took selfies before January 1st of last year, I jumped into the project happily and with high hopes that I might actually be able to keep up.

Spoiler Alert: I did not take a selfie every day, but some days I took several (especially when I was at a convention) and I think I’m pretty close to 365 total. I did manage to take a selfie every day for several months at a stretch. And I learned a few things about myself and about selfies along the way.